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"MC House 万爱之家" 

 小群的志工团体 ,以“圣贤教育”为本的团体

A small charity group, where adopting " Sage Education" as a principle.


        每两个月举办一次布施活动,包括探访智障中心,孤儿院和老人院等 (都是非营利和非政府机构) , 除了协助他们筹集经费,捐助日常物品,打扫和维修之外,布施活动也安排简单的歌舞和游戏,让大家过个富有意义和愉快的上午。欢迎每一位大爱的朋友参与我们的活动,无需担心需要准备什么,只需带着欢喜心积极参与我们活动的每个环节~



The "Alms-Giving" activities will be held once every two months, including visits to mentally retarded center, orphanage and elderly home which they were non-profit and non- government organization. In addition to assist them to raise fund, donation of daily items, cleaning and maintenance. Also, arrangement of simple dance, song and games during the activities to let everyone had a meaningful and happy day.

Everyone's are welcome to join and participate in our activities. Not to worry or know how to do it. Just bring along your joy and love, actively participate in every aspect during the day.

If you wish to know more about volunteer task distribution, please browse the pages " Support Us".

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